Riko Style offers you high quality pellets with proven efficiency. The wooden pellets are sustainable fuel, which comes from clean wooden mass. Replacing the fossil fuels like petrol or natural gas with pellets reduces the greenhouse emissions and help the environmental climate change cause.
High caloric content
The caloric content of the wooden pellets is 5100 – 5300 ccal/kg. The efficiency ratio of the heating systems is 97% (Firewood efficiency ratio is 70%) and the pellets burn entirely. Thus the period between two loadings of the fireplace is two to five days. The caloric content of the firewood is 3440 ccal/kg.
Low ashes leftovers
Another big advantage of the wooden pellets is the very low volume of ashes, left in the pellets boilers or fireplaces after the burn. It is also worth it to mention the possibility to use the ashes as a fertilizer helping the soil to restore its balance.
Comfort compared to the heating with gas
During the burning the wooden pellets do not produce black smoke, which makes them perfect for glass opening fireplaces. Using pellets provides comport comparable with heating with gas due to the almost total burn (about 98,5%). Also the boilers and heaters on pellets do not produce almost any creosote, which allows installing pellets boilers and heaters with direct vent, without a chimney.
5100 – 5300 ccal/kg
100% ecological
The pellets are made of sustainable source, they have low humidity – 6%, which leads to a very efficient burn. There are no chemicals in the pellets.
Cheaper energy source
One ton wooden pellets has the heat value of six cubic meters firewood and can easily fit in three times less space. This makes the storing much easier and cheaper. It is also important that the price of the pellets is relatively steady compared to the fossil energy sources.
Automatic process of pellets heaters burn
The pellets can be used in standard heaters and fireplaces for wood as well as special high efficiency pellets boilers with highly automatic management close to the gas or eclectic power boilers. These boilers can automatically input the needed amount of pellets.
DINplus 7A040 standard certified
The pellets, produced in Riko Style are high quality and with proven efficiency. They have been tested in international highly respected laboratories and certified to the DINplus 7A040 standard. The consumer standard class is A1++, which is a prove for the high caloric content, low ashes content and work without any problems in any heating systems.

If you want to order pellets please contact our head office.
Riko Style
Ivelina Yordanova
+359 885 215 223
Nayden Levski
+359 878 998 842
Construction Exchange Max
+359 885 215 223
Pavlin Banchev
+359 893 505 333